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Welcome to the LFB News page. We'll try to keep you posted on recent events and happenings here. The most recent posts are towards the top.

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Oct 28, 2008
Category: Important Band Events & News
Posted by: jared

Hi Everyone,

Plans are underway for another tour in NY both in June and July of 2009.  Currently, we have the Tug Hill Festival scheduled in Lowville on June 19-21 and the Renfrew Festival scheduled in Canada on July 10-11.  We'll be sending out email notices to churches that we've attended in the past as we fill in the calendar surrounding those events.  If you are interested in having us come around that time and you live in the Upstate NY area, please contact us.  We'd like to have our tour schedule established well before the beginning of the new year.

Can't wait to visit "home" again!

Blessings to you all,

Oct 10, 2008
Category: Everyday News
Posted by: jared

We head off to Ohio tonight for a couple of concerts on Sunday.  Grandma has a couple of things for us to do at her house, and she misses having us around.  We are extremely busy with preperations, so no matter how it is put, we will not leave early.  The Lindsey's have a standing reputation for seldom ever appearing decently early anywhere (much to the chagrin of some of us individuals!)  I have tried every imaginable thing - even resorting to setting the clocks back one hour so that we would at least arrive ON time rather than the late alternative.  However, my little scheme was discovered and the hurry was replaced by a lethargic energy...  Well, next time I will cover my tracks a little better and we could possibly render that trick effective.  Otherwise I will continue to rack my little brain on how we can begin to set a new reputation!

Anyway, we will be heading out today and coming back on Monday in time to greet guests on Monday afternoon through Wednesday morning (hopefully "in time"!)  Then we have another very busy weekend after that.  I think we'll keep up this schedule until the middle of November!  The poor children struggle with our busy schedule sometimes!

I must sign off in order to go accomplish my list of "to do's" before leaving this afternoon (we had about 200 individual books that had to ship out individually today, so that has kept the morning busy, leaving the late morning/early afternoon for packing and preperations for the weekend.)  Ah!  What a lively life!

You all take care!

Elisabeth Lindsey

Sep 24, 2008
Category: Everyday News
Posted by: jared

Hey Everyone!

I just added some new pictures from the Bville Festival and our very long weekend (the festival, then two concerts on Sunday, plus the lemonshakeup stand, and then a work bee thing on Monday to clean up another house we own so that we can move our home business down there as well as keep it nice for a recording studio.)  Jared is supposed to be getting me a black font in the caption line underneath the photos so that I can comment on them for information's sake, but I think he's pretty busy on other things right now, so I'm trying not to bother him!  Y'all take care!



Sep 22, 2008
Category: Everyday News
Posted by: jared

What a great weekend we had at the Cumberland River Festival right here in our hometown of Burkesville, KY!  I'd say there were about 1,500 people from all over the US there to see Dailey and Vincent on Friday night and Grasstowne on Saturday.  We set up our Lemon Shake Up stand just like old times and several of the children participated in the instrument competitions.  Jared and Caleb both took second place respectively in the banjo and mandolin 13 and up category.  Rebekah took first in guitar for 12 and under.  Naomi took second place in mandolin 12 and under.  And Timothy was the star dobro player for the 12 and under category  winning first place...never mind that there were no other entries! :=)  He did a great job playing "Jesus Loves Me" and "I'll Fly Away."

In the band competition, it was even stiffer than last year with lots of out-of-state entries and all very professional bands.  Still, Skip and the kids placed fifth out of 15 bands.  They did a great job and we had lots of fun.

It made it extra special that Grandpa Lindsey was with us as well as our friends from NY, Autum and Ashley Elliott and Marianne Bouffard.  My cousin, Jeremy and his family from Cincinnati also spent the weekend.  So it's been a full few days.

We're looking forward to some slower days ahead to rest and catch up.  We have a few upcoming dates here around home and will be in Ohio the weekend of October 12th.  Be sure to watch the calendar and stop by and see us if we're near you!  God Bless!


Sep 9, 2008
Category: Everyday News
Posted by: jared

Hey Everybody!  We got home last night at around 6 PM after a long day of driving.  It was an all around awesome, great time for a first over the Great Misssissippi in a vehicle!  We spent some time with some friends, made some new ones, got to spend a full day at S.D.C (Silver Dollar City) and got some great critiquing from professionals in the music business.  We finally got to spend some time with the Link family at their home in Lebanon, MO, and had a great time and great fellowship (even successfully kept them from their work for the afternoon!  We hope they'll forgive us!)  I'll be updating with some pics soon, so keep coming back to check into that.

We had a new experience on Sunday morning when we pulled into a church we were playing at and bottomed out with the bus...  meaning, the dip between the road and the parking lot was too deep and we began to turn and heard the fateful groaning and scraping.  Our back wheels were spinning helplessly with nothing to grip but air, and we were stranded above the ground.  The Lord was gracious, however, and as soon as the air let out (after the concert) we went out and piled the boards (with the help of the very gracious, and kind folks of the church) along with jacking the bus up, and pulled it out (not without much groaning on the bus's part!)

We are now back into the routine here at home, and no significant travel very soon (though Oct. is booked fairly well).  Hopefully we are thinking we will release a Hymns CD by early next year.  We'll see how things fall into place!  Hey, get on and sign that nearly empty guest book if you can!  Later, Elisabeth

Sep 4, 2008
Category: Everyday News
Posted by: jared

It rained in Branson yesterday, but Silver Dollar City is awsome!  We played three sets yesterday, and it was the most fun we've had in a long time.  Everybody here is really nice and friendly.  We hope to come back soon.

We also got to visit with the Link family until 11:30 last night, they're a great family to be around.  Make sure you go to our hyperlinks page and check out their website.

Aug 22, 2008
Category: Everyday News
Posted by: jared

Hey Everyone, I'm really enjoying this ability to "blog" (though Mama may have a thing or two to say about me submitting an article - being the journalist major and all.  Oh well!)  So for the exciting news (well it is to US):  They are FINALLY going to put a new AC in the back room of the bus (it got SO hot back there where all of the bunks are because the back AC is broken!)   We are all very thankful that it's going to work out before we leave for MO next weekend.  Hey, that's gonna be fun guys!  We'll keep the updates coming during the trip.  I think I might ask Jared to do a journal page on this new site so that we can draw a line between news and notes/memories.  What do you all think?  Hey, if you have any suggestions to offer on the new layout and content, let us know.  We love suggestions!  And while you're at it, sign the guestbook to let us know you've been here!  Take care and many Blessings!   ~Elisabeth