Welcome to the LFB News page. We'll try to keep you posted on recent events and happenings here. The most recent posts are towards the top.
There is a time to rejoice! Caleb Lindsey is the Southern Ohio Indoor Bluegrass Festival Mandolin Competition CHAMPION!!!!!!! We got the news about an hour ago (we didn't all go to the festival) that he had won his new Weber mandolin. They asked him to play a song on it, which thrilled him! I'm so proud of him!
On a much sadder note there is also a time to cry. Many of you heard of the tragic accident in Southern KY yesterday morning on I-65 N. Of the eleven people that were killed there were nine of our friends and neighbors. The pain is overwhelming, and the sorrow gripping. There is absolutely nothing like hearing that the reason you're stuck in traffic for over an hour on your way back from Ohio is becuase nine of your friends died in a horrific car crash. But the comfort is that God didn't forget to watch them. As a matter of fact, it was such perfect timing for all that occured that I see no way that there was any coincidence. And the truth is, Jesus loving people always win. There's no losing with Jesus. It's a secure bet and investment. We cry and hurt for us, and for the family because it does hurt. It could be a long time before we see them again. But we're still the winners. If it was the devil, His plan is backfiring as the story reaches across the nation being a light. If it was God, then whether we live or die, we win.
In memory of John and Sadie Esh, their son Leroy and his wife Naomi, and their baby Jaylen, Anna, Rose and Rachel Esh, and Rachel's fiancee Joel Gingerich, and their friend Ashlie Kramer.
These people were a light to a dark world, and such a blessing wherever they were. We loved them, and loved their friendship. And their families.
In Sadness, and in Rejoicing,
Elisabeth for the Lindseys
Hey Everyone!
As you can all see, we are being extremely slack in news of late. My apologies.
We had mentioned earlier this year that we were in the process of a new CD, and it was to be released mid February. Well, due to some time consuming circumstances we were unable to finish it. We are hoping to finish it now before our upcoming tours in New York State. Jared is also planning to release his solo CD sometime in that time frame as well. Keep your eyes peeled!
Caleb is going to be entering a mandolin competition in Ohio this weekend. He wants the $3500 mandolin that comes as the 1st place prize.... :-) Motivational methods! He and Papa will be going to Ohio for that. I hope he wins!
Other than that, we've been working out the kinks and problems with our new sound system. I'm praying Jared gets less sensitive ears, because he's always turning us down! And I'll digress before I get started on that!
This weekend is also busy because my grandma will be coming in from Ohio (as a matter of fact, I think I'm driving her back last I heard). We're excited to have her after she wasn't able to visit for about six or seven years due to my Grandpa's health. Also, Grandpa Lindsey is missing his family and wants to come down, too. Then a couple of concerts on Sunday. Should be an awesome weekend!
Oh! The bus brakes gave out a couple of weeks ago (right after we got back from Texas) So Ben and Caleb have been at our Diesal Mechanic's place working on it the past week or so. It looks like it's getting a pretty decent makeover. The wheels were off of it and things pulled pretty well apart when I saw it this morning. I never thought that monstrosity could look helpless, but it actually does at the moment.... :-)
Our friend Sara Richardson (for whom we were going to be producing a CD for and it didn't work this time) is well on her way to completing the first project! How exciting! her website is www.sararichardsoninfo.co. Go over and say hi to her!
On that note, I'm off to work.
.....are on the photos page.
Sorry it took so long to all you patient people!
Hey Everyone,
We've been busy on the road and all of our other activities, so I'm sorry that there haven't been updates on here!
Just got back from Texas. Great trip, spent two weeks with the Greers and the Link family's (The Link Family Music and Lindley Creek is the Greers). Really enjoyed our time with them. Came away inspired and with a whole new music plan that's underway. You all keep a lookout for it! It's not something you're going to want to miss. I'll keep you updated on the status as we move along.
For now, we're looking forward to spring... :-)
See you all down the road!
I just added pictures all you photo hungry people!
Everything is going really well. Olivia's a good screamer. :-) She's very expressive and alert for a two day old baby.
Mama is well, though on some strict rules for lifting etc... for the next few weeks says the midwife. :-) Don't we love that...
Thanks everyone for your prayers and thoughts!
ElisabethMiss Olivia Lindsey made her way into the world at 12:10 this morning. Tiny at 7.3 pounds. Mama and baby are well, and all siblings rambunctiously excited about their sister (BTW - boys haven't won a tie breaker since Naomi... *smile*)
Love to all,
Elisabeth Lindsey
Us older five were in the studio studiously (no pun intended) recording and producing for the completion of the collection of hymns CD's when there was a call from none other than John and Joyce Rossbach who were with family in Nashville over the holiday's and wanted to pop up and see us! Always a pleasure!
We spent the greater part of the day with them - mostly getting new and good tips and information... (they're both good at that! *wink*)
Miss Joycie is a wealth of knowledge (no offense Mr. R!) and she re-inspired my inspiration to start up square dancing and tapping (clogging, step dancing). I'd forgotten how much I like square dancing!
They even brought along Banjo (their dog... :-) ) Isn't that name creative?!
I guess we didn't really give a forewarning about that CD project. We're working hard to complete the Hymns Collection so that we can begin the process of revamping our set lists to more original material. Joy, joy. We'll hopefully have this project finished by the Texas trip and a whole new set worked up....but you know how things go!
Keep checking in...we'll be around more in a couple weeks!
With love,
Elisabeth for Lindsey Land