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Jan 12, 2009

The Lindsey Family Goes West

Category: Everyday News
Posted by: jared

I know that sounds kinda cool, but rather exaggerated by a long stretch... :-)  We are going to Texas, though.  We'll be flying out on Wednesday, and getting back on Saturday.  We're praying the Lord's blessing on the trip, that He would do with it what He wants done with it.

We'll be really close to Mexico, too, so I'm thinking about asking to bring passports and heading over there for our one free day.  I think I love Mexico!  Maybe it's just the people are cool...  Okay, so I really don't know much about it at all!  Papa says it's a lot different there.  Still, what can't you love about a jet black haired, chesnut brown child?  It'd be neat ministry opportunity.  Who knows, if we end up in Texas for awhile next year we might be able to take it over the boarder some... :-)

We have had a busy weekend - one of those wordless ones!  Thursday Mama and I drove to Nashville to pick up Grandma Bear at the airport, and didn't get home til 11 pm or later.  Some of us went to a dinner on Friday evening after a long day of work, and Papa didn't get home from Knoxville, TN until late, and then we sang on Saturday, got up and sang again on Sunday, and went to our friends the Matneys for a DELICIOUS lunch, and awesome fellowship, and then had to run at around 3 PM so we could get home and get Grandma Bear's going away/birthday party together (Oh!  There was WAY too much food to fix!)  People arrived early, so we were rushing a bit, but almost everyone that was invited came, and Grandma was so surprised and I think blessed.  Then Mama and a few of the kids had to get up early to take Grandma BACK to the airport this morning...  Whew!  I love it...

All of this means that I should be back at the house helping those dear littler siblings of mine keep up with the littler-than-them siblings that stayed home!

Have a Blessed Day!
